People Enrichment
Returns people information
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
The unique identifier for a person in the Firmable system. (example: fp000000067890)
The LinkedIn slug of the person. (example: chathchw)
The full LinkedIn URL of the person (example:
Work email of the person (example: ******
Personal email of the person (example: ******
Details about the person's current company.
The person's department information.
A detailed description of the person.
List of educational qualifications.
The first name of the person.
Information about the person's gender.
A brief professional headline.
The Firmable ID of the person..
Keywords associated with the person (if available).
The last name of the person.
LinkedIn profile handle.
The person's location information.
The person's middle name (if available).
The month when the person joined their current role.
The full name of the person.
List of phone numbers with additional details.
The person's current job position.
Information about the person's seniority level.
List of professional skills.
Social media profiles and statistics.
Duration in the current role.
The year when the person joined their current role.